Back to Downton

I've missed you, dear readers! I spent the summer packing, moving, unpacking...and we're still unpacking... I have 10 more things left to do for this year's birthday list, and at least 10 that I haven't reported on yet, so let's begin. The only TV show I've watched religiously in years is Downton Abbey. What anglophile... Continue Reading →

A Souvenir from “Mad Men”

Mad Men is one of my all-time fave shows. I signed up for its email list so I would be in the know. So that's how I found out about the website, a platform for auctioning/selling props from popular TV shows and movies. A couple of summers ago, items from Mad Men appeared on... Continue Reading →

People Say We Monkey Around

I watched a lot of TV when I was growing up. Back when sitcoms ruled the day. I remember doing plenty of other things, too: reading, playing outside, playing dress-up, playing with dolls, doing more reading, listening to Casey Kasem's Top 40. But somehow there was still plenty of time for sitting in front of... Continue Reading →

Long Island Medium

Four or five years ago, I was visiting a friend and she introduced me to the reality TV show Long Island Medium. We watched episode after episode, transfixed. The "Long Island Medium" is a woman named Theresa Caputo, who lives on Long Island with her family. I've gone to a few psychics over the years... Continue Reading →

A Book and a [Big] Bird

One week left of being a 30-something... I'm way behind on my birthday list reporting, but I will try to catch up over the next few days! I'm working my way through the Modern Library's top 100 novels and nonfiction books. As I was perusing the list of novels about a month ago, I noticed... Continue Reading →

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